9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅欢迎来自世界各地的学生申请入学. 我们很高兴向您介绍罗阿诺克和我们的社区. 请浏览 国际学生 和 在9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅车站登机 网页,了解更多在罗阿诺克的国际9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅.
To receive more information or to have us reach out to you, please fill out the inquiry form below. 如果你对国际录取有任何疑问, 请9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅的招生和财政援助主任, 马修Gillil和, by 电话 or 电子邮件.
To receive more information or to have us reach out to you, please fill out the inquiry form below. 如果你对国际录取有任何疑问, 请9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅的招生和财政援助主任, 马修Gillil和, by 电话 or 电子邮件.
We are located in southwestern Virginia, in between the Appalachian 和 Blue Ridge Mountain ranges. 洛亚诺克, 弗吉尼亚是一个干净的州, 安全, 充满活力的, 和 well-established city that is welcoming 和 growing because it has a forward-thinking 和 strong business community anchored in healthcare 和 research, 而且离主要的学习中心很近. We experience all four seasons, without any one of those seasons being too hot or too cold to enjoy. 我们的弹簧, 有这么多的花儿, 是美丽的, 我们的跌落, 树叶变成了许多颜色, 是惊人的. 夏天有时会很热, 但不是压迫性的, 冬天会下一两场雪, 但阳光灿烂的日子给我们的脸上带来笑容.
- Now@North交叉: http://ncntnh.gabicelan.com/nownorthcross.html
- Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFX62HWy9pb5p0Pxh6TjlKw
- 国际学生采访: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6A1xzevBac
- 宿舍生活: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICulxnyWPzg
- 宿舍社交媒体: http://www.instagram.com/wilson_boarding/
- 我们的学校翻新: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UupISN00MCM
- 高中课程由老师讲解: http://www.youtube.com/watch?= PL6smtDUqsdrjQzv-XIPCKMdHjzgTlzTZN列表&v = T -_LuzR9DY0&特点= emb_title
许多因素的结合使9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅对国际学生具有吸引力. 在学业上, North Cross delivers an excellent college preparatory experience because we have excellent faculty, 选择性入学, 严格的课程设置——超过90%的教师拥有高等学位. Colleges 和 universities respect the North Cross name 和 our college acceptances reflect this. 我们的价格很有竞争力, 受到高校的尊重, 并为每个学生提供量身定制的全面体验.
当谈到帮助学生选择大学时, 大学申请, 大学论文, 以及大学的决定, 我们有一个专门的大学辅导员,他的唯一职责就是大学咨询. Ms. Julie Aavatsmark has worked at North Cross for over over 15 years; prior to that she spent 15 years on the college side of this process, 所以她知道大学在寻找什么样的学生,并且有很好的人脉.
除了学业和大学准备, 我们的学生喜欢并受益于参与课外活动, where they can explore new things 和 develop relationships with other North Cross students. 无论是去哈佛大学还是参加模拟联合国, 加入我们的团队,参加在华盛顿举行的编程比赛, D.C., 坐公共汽车去和另一所学校进行体育比赛, 或者在我们的戏剧表演或音乐剧中扮演一个角色, there are many enriching ways to make the most out of your time in the United States as part of our school. 我们最快乐的学生是那些积极参与的学生.
国际学生也喜欢9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅,因为我们是一个包容的社区. 我们喜欢并欢迎不同的观点,并庆祝我们每个人的独特之处. We believe that a community that is more representative of the world at large helps prepare all of our students to make positive 和 thoughtful contributions to their communities when they leave. 在上海有两个校区, 中国, 我们的学生能够与另一个大陆的同行交流思想.
当谈到帮助学生选择大学时, 大学申请, 大学论文, 以及大学的决定, 我们有一个专门的大学辅导员,他的唯一职责就是大学咨询. Ms. Julie Aavatsmark has worked at North Cross for over over 15 years; prior to that she spent 15 years on the college side of this process, 所以她知道大学在寻找什么样的学生,并且有很好的人脉.
除了学业和大学准备, 我们的学生喜欢并受益于参与课外活动, where they can explore new things 和 develop relationships with other North Cross students. 无论是去哈佛大学还是参加模拟联合国, 加入我们的团队,参加在华盛顿举行的编程比赛, D.C., 坐公共汽车去和另一所学校进行体育比赛, 或者在我们的戏剧表演或音乐剧中扮演一个角色, there are many enriching ways to make the most out of your time in the United States as part of our school. 我们最快乐的学生是那些积极参与的学生.
国际学生也喜欢9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅,因为我们是一个包容的社区. 我们喜欢并欢迎不同的观点,并庆祝我们每个人的独特之处. We believe that a community that is more representative of the world at large helps prepare all of our students to make positive 和 thoughtful contributions to their communities when they leave. 在上海有两个校区, 中国, 我们的学生能够与另一个大陆的同行交流思想.
- focused on attending a college or university in the United States upon graduating from North Cross.
- 能熟练运用英语听说读写.
- 有兴趣参加课堂外的体育活动, 剧院, 俱乐部, 和其他学生一起参加其他活动——他们也是我们最快乐的学生.
- 寻求教师和工作人员的个性化关注.
The biggest support we can give a student is to start their time with us by making them feel welcome 和 assuring them that when they need us, 我们是为他们而来的. 我们的教职员工在此之前就会抽出时间, 后, 在上学的白天和晚上. 除了, 国际学生可以直接9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅的临时住宿生活主任, Mr. Jamiel艾伦. 最后,高级学校的主任,先生. Stephen Belderes是所有国际学生及其家庭的宝贵资源.
我们的师生比例是8:1. 在一个典型的教室里, 我们高中平均有13个学生, 整体, 每个班级的学生人数都不超过18人.
高中通常有195-205名学生, 和, 平均, 我们有30-35名国际学生. 我们的目标是将国际学生人数增加到40人, 非常多样化, 多国学生团体.
We will issue a full refund of the tuition amount paid if a student fails to obtain a visa; however, 首期订金不予退还.
你的学杂费支付计划是什么? 全年付款、半年付款、季度付款有什么区别吗?
我们的大多数学生在开学前就全额交了学费. 在特殊情况下,我们可以例外地分两期支付学费. 学生个人购买书籍的费用, 实验室, 美联社测试, 午餐, 和零食, 是否按月支付到学生账户.
我们提供21门AP课程,包括以下内容, 微积分AB和BC, 化学, 比较政府与政治学, 计算机科学A, 计算机科学原理, 英语语言及写作, 英国文学, 法语语言与文化, 人文地理, 拉丁, 物理1, 西班牙语言与文化, 统计数据, 工作室的图画, 美国历史, 和世界历史. The College Board charges students a fee that will be directly billed to student’s accounts. 目前,每次考试的费用是95美元.
How many boarding students live in one room 和 can students choose rooms as well as roommates in the dormitory?
我们的学生宿舍和你在其他学校看到的很不一样. Each room is set up like an apartment, with a living/study room, bedroom, 和 an en suite bathroom. 不用再跑到大厅去洗澡了! 通常,一个房间有两个学生. 房间是根据年龄分配的, 和 it is our goal to increase the multicultural experience(s) by pairing students with people who will give them a more well-rounded living experience. 不过,我们是灵活的,可以根据需要进行调整.
学生有时间安排和适应他们在9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅的新生活吗? 跟我们说说你们的入职培训计划?
All International students attend an international student orientation meeting 和 receive a packet of important 和 helpful information. New students will also attend our New 学生 orientation session with our new domestic day students. 在我们的方向, 我们向新生介绍9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅及其文化, 预期, 他们需要了解我们的关键人物. 我们谈论当地和地区的文化和法律, 他们会有新的体验, 我们强调“需要知道”行政程序(如.e. I-20并保持全职身份).
如果学生在学业上有问题, 社交或宿舍生活, 谁可以帮助他们,如何联系他们?
The dormitory staff are able to be in close contact with parents 和 agents about the progress of their students. Our ‘on dorm’ community is relatively small so we are able to provide a customized plan for any students that are experiencing academic difficulties. 例如, we have used supervised evening study halls 和 limitations of electronics at night with some of our students who need help focusing. 9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅主任之间有持续的沟通, 住宿生活处处长, 以及从社会角度帮助确保学生成功的宿舍工作人员.
在学业上, every international student has an academic advisor 和 the additional support of the Director of International Operations, who works with our teachers to identify any academic challenges that may result from learning in a foreign language setting.
在学业上, every international student has an academic advisor 和 the additional support of the Director of International Operations, who works with our teachers to identify any academic challenges that may result from learning in a foreign language setting.
国际学生的典型学习计划是什么? 当学生需要额外的帮助时,他们可以有辅导计划来帮助他们吗?
高年级学生通常通过预定的自习室时间自己学习. Most students will have evening school work 和 will learn to manage their time to complete their assignments. 教师可以在白天和可用, 提前安排, 在白天的其他时间和晚上回答学生的问题. The Director of the 上学校 is an excellent resource to help manage academic workloads. 有时,我们可能会推荐一位导师来帮助我们的学生取得成功. 辅导服务需要额外收费.
学生s work through the Director of the 上学校 和 choose their courses for each academic year by electing first, 第二个, 和 third choices from a combination of required courses needed to graduate 和 electives that interest them. 除了, 每个学生都被分配了一个特定的顾问,他会持续监控学业进展, 与父母或监护人沟通, 并且严格地为他们的顾问辩护.
住在宿舍, 学生们需要去购物吗?还是他们必须为学校买其他东西?
They do not need to shop for anything other than personal items (such as grooming 和 hygiene supplies); however, 购物和餐馆都很方便到宿舍. We do communicate specific things they will need for school before the fall trimester begins.
Are students required to bring electronic devices, such as laptops 或铬books, to your school?
是的,学生必须自带笔记本电脑. It is up to the student’s preference based on which operating system (OS) they are most comfortable with: Apple, 微软, 或铬. 如果苹果, go with Apple; if 微软, go with Dell; 和 if Chrome, 宏碁和谷歌都是不错的选择, 但这完全取决于学生/家庭的喜好和预算.
In case students have some health problems, can they prepare 和 bring some medicine from home?
是的. They will inform the school 和 the dormitory staff 和 provide parent instructions on the medicines they bring.
目前我们不需要这个. 参加体育比赛, 是9455澳门新葡萄娱乐场大厅社区的重要组成部分, students will undergo a sports physical that we will coordinate before they are able to join the team.
在学校,我们每天在上课时间都有一名注册护士. 而在宿舍,宿舍工作人员是可用的,医疗是方便的宿舍. 工作人员24小时待命, 一天24小时, 帮助学生生病和需要医疗护理.
你的学校如何应对COVID-19大流行? 你是如何教育学生保持社交距离的?
我们遵守与COVID有关的所有州和联邦法规以及医疗指南. 最重要的是,我们学生的安全是最重要的. 点击这里查看我们的 COVID协议.